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Saturday, December 4

30 Day Do It Group

About a month ago, one of my dear friends from college sent me an email about joining a 30-Day Do It group. As I read her email, I learned that the 30-Day Do It movement, created by Jullien Gordon, was a committed and group-based goal system that sought to end the concept of New Year’s Resolutions and introduce the idea of New Month Resolutions to the world. My friend sent the email in hopes of starting a 30-Day Do It group among friends and colleagues.

I have long been a fan of eradicating the belief that dreams and goals are indefeasible and can only be set at the beginning of the year in the form of New Year’s resolutions. I’ve written about it before. So, I was interested in my friend’s message but had a few reservations. My first thought was that this was something that would require me to pay into monthly or give up personal information so someone could harass me about attending seminars or buying books. So, I disregarded the first email.

Then my friend sent another email about two weeks after the first one as a reminder about the upcoming conference call to discuss the 30-Day Do It concept. I responded and told her that I might attend. She communicated back and said that she hoped my “might” turned into “would.”

And it did.

I joined the call and learned that the 30-Day Do It program was exactly what my friend explained in her email and carried no financial obligation. Its aim is simply to get people to break down their large, daunting goals into pieces that they can conquer month by month. And the group format adds a layer of accountability to help each member actually get it done.

My friend led the call and went through a worksheet that each member filled out during the meeting. We identified our 30 day goal, the benefits of accomplishing it, the costs of not accomplishing it, and how we would celebrate once we achieved it.

The meeting was held on November 17th, so I’ve got just about two weeks left to realize my goal of finishing a writing project. I can say that writing down my goal and having group members hold me accountable for completing it has given me the momentum and motivation I need to get things really moving. I'm sure I'm not alone when I admit that I generally keep goals in my head instead of making them real on paper. So, it's very easy for daily distractions to push them aside.

If your goals have been trapped inside your head, like a few of mine, without much attention directed to them, the 30-Day Do It program may be just the thing you need to help you get started.

If you would like more information on the 30-Day Do It Movement, click here. If you are interested in joining our next 30-Day Do It call on December 15th to set your goals in motion, please email

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